Majorum gloria posteris lumen est; neque
bona, neque mala eorum in occulto patitur. *
Generoso ac Nobilissimo D[omi]no Possessori,
Majorum suorum gloriam, eruditione non minus, quam morum
praestantiâ et modestiae suavitate, magis magisque illustranti,
prosperos ubique rerum optat successus.
Matth[ias] Jessen, Regis Daniae ac Norwagiae
Secret[us] Legat[us]
Londini die 8vo. Julij Anno MDCCXXI
* The source of the quotation is Sallustius,
Bellum Iugurthinum 85.23.
The glory of great people is the light of posterity: neither their
good deeds, nor their crimes will not fall in oblivion. *
I wish rich success in everything to the
eminent and noble possessor [of this book], who is rendering
always brighter the glory of his forefathers both with his
learnedness, and his excellent manners and sweet modesty.
Matthias Jessen, secret legate
of the King of Danemark and Norway
In London, July 8, 1721.
p. 93.
London, July 8, 1721
Jessen, Matthias |