Magnorum parentum gemini Filii illi censendi sunt qui paternas virtutes, non verò et sterile nomen haereditant. Nam

Fortes creantur fortibus
Est in juvencis patrum
Virtus, nec imbellem feroces
Progenerant aquilae columbam.

Generoso, ingenio genioque nobili paternarum virtutum haeredi verae pietatum cultori praestantissimo juveni D[omi]no Francisco Pariz Pápai pro promovendo bono publico exoticas oras visitaturo Fausta quaeque appraecatur

Petrus P. Csengeri Pastor Eccl[esi]ae Ref[ormatae] Claudiopoli[tanae]

Claudiopoli A[nn]o 1711 12 August.

 * The source of this poem is Horace, Carmina 4.4.29-32, but the first two verses are inaccurately (albeit grammatically correctly) quoted. Csengeri obviously tried to put into the Procrustes' bed of the shorter metre of the third and fourth verse the first two longer ones. The original poem sounds like this (ed. F. Klingner 1955):

fortes creantur fortibus et bonis;
est in iuvencis, est in equis patrum
  virtus, neque inbellem feroces
     progenerant aquilae columbam.

In the English translation by John Conington:

Good sons and brave good sires approve:
Strong bullocks, fiery colts, attest
Their fathers' worth, nor weakling dove
Is hatch'd in savage eagle's nest.


Those are to be regarded worthy sons of their great parents who have inherited the virtues, and not only the sterile name of their fathers. For

Strong [sons] are generated by strong [fathers] / young bullocks inherit their father's / virtue, and wild eagles / will not hatch weakling doves. *

I wish all the best to the excellent young Ferenc Pápai Páriz, noble heir of his father's virtues both in his talent and his intellect, zealous supporter of true piety, who is going to set out to visit foreign countries in the interest of common good

Péter Csengeri, Pastor of the Reformed Church in Kolozsvár

In Kolozsvár, August 12, 1711.











p. 117. Kolozsvár/Cluj, August 12, 1711

Csengeri, Péter
(?-1720), Transylvanian Reformed pastor

Péter (P.) Csengeri learned in Franeker and Utrecht. He immatriculated in Franeker on August 25 (28?), 1696 as “K. P. Czengeri from Nagyvárad [Oradea]”. A letter of him, written to his patron Judit Veér, widow of Mihály Teleki, has survived. After returning home, from the beginning of 1711 he was pastor in Kolozsvár. He died in 1720.

Péter Csengeri made his note in the Album in Kolozsvár in August 1711, before the young Ferenc Pápai Páriz set out on his long peregrination.

• Graaf • Nagy Géza 41 • Szilágyi 40