Pietate et labore,
Hisce memoriam sui Doctiss[imo] ac Nobiliss[imo] Possessori
commendare voluit.
T. H. van den Honert S. S. Th. Dr. et Profess[or]
Lugd[uni] Batav[orum]
With piety and labour.
With this I want to recommend myself into the
memory of the learned and noble owner [of this album]
T. H. van den Honert, doctor and professor of
In Leiden, on November 27, 1719
p. 257. Leiden, November 27, 1719
Honert, Taco Hajo van den
(1666-1740), Dutch Reformed
Taco Hajo van den Honert was born on March 16, 1666 in Norden of
Eastern Friesland, the son of Johan v. d. H. and of Ida Hajinga.
His mother died soon after the birth of his son, who was educated
by his grandmother. He read theology in Marburg, from 1683 in
Leiden and in Dordrecht. In Leiden he defended his dissertation De mundi in tempore productione.
From 1689 he was a pastor in Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht and Brielle
(Zuid-Holland), from 1698 in Amsterdam. In 1714 he was invited to
Leiden as the successor to his former professor of theology
Salomon van Til (1643-1713). From 1721 he also became professor of
Hebrew antiquities. He died in Leiden on February 23, 1740. His
son was the celebrated theologian Jan van den Honert (1693-1758).
Some of his works are: Het hooge-priesterschap
van Christus naar de ordening van Melchisedek … Amsterdam,
1712. – De Messias verherlykt, 1714. – Theologia
naturalis et revelata per aphorismos delineata … Amsterdam,
1715. – Dissertatio de theologiae propheticae necessitate
… Leiden, 1721. – Dissertatio
inauguralis de necessaria ad recte
interpretandam Scripturam Sacram, antiquitatum Hebraicarum
cognitione. Leiden, 1721 – Dissertationes historicae: 1 De
creatione mundi, 2 De situ Edenis et Horti, 3 De lingua primaeva.
Leiden, 1738.
AlbSchLeid 73 • Jöcher-Adelung • NNBW VIII 819 |