Oderunt peccare boni virtutis amore. *

haec in sui memoriam, cum voto felicissimi itineris, perpetuaeque felicitatis adscribere debuit.

Carl Philip Limmer

Symb[olum]: Componed en el verano los nidos.

Genevae die 19 Jun: 1719.

 * Horace, Epistulae 1.16.52.


Good people hate to commit sins out of the love of virtue. *

I wrote this for leaving a token of memory, wishing a good journey and everlasting happiness,

Carl Philip Limmer

Motto: Prepare your nests in the springtime.

In Geneva, on June 19, 1719.








p. 291-293. Geneva, June 19-20, 1719

Limmer, Carl Philipp
Limmer, Johann Conrad
(active 1708-1719), German students

Johann Conrad Limmer was one of the respondents of a philosophical dissertation in Zerbst in 1708: Dissertatio philosophica de cognitione et cultu Dei naturali. Conradus Philippus Limmerus [praeses]; Johann David Brodtmann [resp.], Johann Conrad Limmer [resp.]. Servestae, 1708. – The chairman (praeses) of the same dispute was Conrad Philipp Limmer (1658-1730), who is recorded as a physician active in Anhalt, Zerbst and Dessau. He immatriculated at Franeker in September 1678 as “(Cothena-) Anhaltinus, lit hum”, that is, coming from Köthen, and student of humanities; then at Leiden on November 16, 1680 as “Anhaltinus, 23, M”, that is, at the age of 23 for learning medicine. He obtained doctoral degree in 1688 in Altdorf, where he had been appointed professor in 1686. He published his doctoral dissertation and some philosophical disputations, like the above mentioned, and the following one: Disp. med. inaug. de hydrophobia … Conr. Philip. Limmer. Altdorfium, 1688. – Diss. philos. de aequalitate et individuo virtutum comitatu. Conr. Phil. Limmer. def. Ern. de Steinberg, aut. Servestae, 1710.

The two Limmers wrote in the album of Pápai Páriz in Geneva in June 1719. Johann Conrad adds to his name "Serv[estinus] Anhaltinus", that is originating from Zerbst (Servesta) in Anhalt. We can well admit that they are two sons of the physician and philosopher Conrad Philipp Limmer that both received a first name of their father.

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