Nullum Numen abest si sit Prudentia; sed nos
Te facimus Fortuna Deam. *
Memoriam sui ut commendaret, scr[ipsit]
P. Carmichel.
* These two verses figure twice in the
Saturae of Juvenal, in 10.365-6 and 14.315-6: “Nullum
numen habes, si sit prudentia: nos te, / nos facimus, Fortuna,
We are in no need of gods if we have Wisdom; but we make you,
Fortune, our goddess. *
I wrote this recommending myself into the good
memory [of the owner of the album]
P. Carmichel.
In London, on the 4th day before the Calends
of September of 1718
p. 311. London, August 29, 1718
Carmichel, P. |