Is demum verè magnus, qui magna didicit contemnere.
Anco trà le spine nascon le rose. *
Illustri, et pereximio Dn. Possessori
fausta quaeque precatur,
seque porrò commendat,
V[erbi] D[ivini] M[inister] Gymn[asii] Bas[ileani] Conrector
Basileae, d. 15. Julij, aº. MDCCXIX.
* Cf. Ariosto, Orlando furioso
27.1: “…che de le spine ancor nascon le rose, e d’una fetida
erba nasce il giglio”.
He is really great who has learned to despise great things.
[Motto:] Among thorns grow roses. *
To the illustrious and eminent owner [of this
book] I wish all kind of good fortune, and recommend myself into
his memory,
Vincentius Paravicinus
pastor and co-rector of the high school of Basel
In Basel, on July 15, 1719
315. Basel, July 15, 1719
Paravicinus, Vincentius
(1648-1726), Swiss high school
Vincentius Paravicinus was born on March 10, 1648 in Castasegna of
Graubünden canton. He began to read theology in Basel, then he
continued with literature. In 1663 he was co-rector, then rector
of the high school. He assisted Johann Jacob Scheuchzer (1672-1733)
in completing his work Nova literaria Helvetica
(Zürich, 1703-1715). He died on December 17, 1726. Some of his
works: Catalogus scriptorum ab Helvetiis ac
foederatis reformatae religionis annis 50. posterioribus saeculi
XVII. editorum …, Basel, 1698. – Singularia de viris
eruditione claris, centuriae tres … Basel, 1713.
Paravicinus indicates in his note his titles of pastor (V.D.M.)
and co-rector of the high school of Basel. He has an Italian
motto, which might be an allusion to his Swiss Italian origins.
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