Generoso ac Erudito quidem Amico suo
chariss[im]o nec non socio p[e]regri[n]a[ti]onis pacifico D.
Francisco Parisz Papai, ejusdem nominis celeberrimi viri Filio
chariss[im]o in signum candidi Amoris Apposuit,
Halae Saxon[iae] Anno 1712 Die 4 Junij
Symbolum Deum Time.
Sic pagina
[continued from the previous page]
jungit amicos.
* Prov 10:27: Yir’at YHWH tosif yamim.
Vulgate: “timor Domini adponet dies et anni impiorum
breviabuntur”. Vocalisation is incorrect in one
place, as compared to the Masoretic text: the first vocal of “yamim”
is kamec in the Masoretic text, while patach in
the album. Accents are missing in the two words in the middle. *
1Tim 4,12: Vulgate: “nemo adulescentiam tuam contemnat sed
exemplum esto fidelium in verbo in conversatione in caritate
in fide in castitate”.
The fear of the Lord prolongeth days: but the years of the wicked
shall be shortened. *
Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an
example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in
spirit, in faith, in purity. 1Tim 4,12. *
I wrote this to my beloved noble and erudite
friend and companion in the peregrination, Ferenc Pápai Páriz,
dear son of his renowned father of the same name, as a token of my
sincere friendship
Lőrinc Sérczi, student of theology
In Halle of Saxony, on June 4, 1712.
Motto: Fear God.
[at the bottom of the page, written
through the two pages:] Thus pages unit friends.
p. 353. Halle, June 4, 1712
Sérczi, Lőrinc
(active between 1708 and 1712),
Transylvanian student of theology
Lőrinc Sérczi begun to learn in Gyulafehérvár, in
1708 he became a senior. He attended theology at the university of
Halle in 1711, and from 1712 in Franeker.
Lőrinc Sérczi wrote in the album in Halle, on June
4, 1712, encouraging his companion to exemplary life. Some days
later Pápai Páriz wrote to his Hungarian Maecenas Count Sándor
Teleki, that Sérczi “has just left the Netherlands” [Peregrinus
AlbFran 300 • Peregrinus 407 • Szabó-Szögi 425 |