Non is beatus qui cupita possidet
Sed qui negata non cupit.
Berol[ini] d. 7. Julii 1713
Gundelsheimer Reg[is] Prussiae Archiater |
Happy is not he who can possess those things he desires / but he
who does not desire those that he cannot possess.
In Berlin, on July 7, 1713.
Gundelsheimer, court physician of the Prussian
p. 387. Berlin, July 7, 1713
Gundelsheimer, Andreas von
(1668-1715), German physician
Andreas Gundelsheimer was born in 1668 in Feuchtwangen near to
Ansbach, the son of the local pastor M. Michael G. (?-1715). After
the high school of Ansbach he studied in Altdorf, where he
graduated in medicine in 1688. He travelled with a rich merchant
to Italy, where he attended for five years the lectures of the
chemist Boehme. He focused mostly on the treatment of intermittent
fever. Then he practised in Paris, where he made acquaintance with
the renowned botanist Joseph Pitton de Tournefort (1656-1708), and
he accepted the commission of the French government to accompany
him in 1700 on his long scientific journey in Greece, Turkey,
Armenia and Persia. In Constantinople they separated, and
Gundelsheimer returned to Europe. He served as a military
physician in Piemont and Brabant, where he was awarded a medal,
and then he went to Berlin. In 1705 the Prussian King Frederick I
(1657-1713) appointed him inner councillor, and ennobled him. The
establishment of the theatrum anatomicum of Berlin is
mostly his merit. He accompanied Frederick William I (1688-1740)
to the campaign of Pommern, where he died in a heavy fever on June
17, 1715 in Stettin (Szczecin). He never got married. His sharp
mind and tongue were widely respected. His work: Tentamen de
cosmicis affectionibus corporis animati … praeside Joh.
Christophoro Sturmio, submittet Gundelsheimer. Altdorf, 1688.
ADB • DBA I 439: 225-229 • DBI • Hirsching II • Jöcher • Michaud •
Vocke I |