Memento mori & disce vivere!

Hisce Nobilissimo et Dilectissimo Domino hujus albi Possessori memoriam commendare & omnia fausta ac felicia aprecari voluit

Joannes Franckius

Symb[olum]: Pietate & modestia.

Francofurti ad Moenum
A. D. XVII Kal. 8bris 1725



Remember death and learn to live!

With this I want to recommend myself into the memory of the owner of this album, and to wish him all the best and fortune.
                                               Johann Franck.

Motto: With piety and modesty.

In Frankfurt am Main, on the 17th day before the calends of October of 1725.








p. 423. Frankfurt am Main, September 15, 1725

Franck, Johann

His note is dated in Frankfurt a. M. in September of 1725. In biographic lexicons we find several persons with the same name, and we cannot decide unanimously whether he is one of them. He can be identified either with (1) Franck (Frank), Johann (1649-1725), physician and natural scientist; or (2) Francke, Johann (1648-1728), physician in Ulm.

(1) • DBA I 336: 335-337 • DBI
(2) • DBA II 388: 133 • DBI • DDB