Dulcis Amor Patriae, dulce videre suos:

Ipse me duxit, & reduxit sanum, ac omnia bona per eum assecutus sum: Tob: XII: *

In felici trajectu, quem Dominus magis, magisque secundet, ad Patrios Lares, Egregij D[omi]ni Possessoris haecce adnectere voluit:
Johannes Conradus Olenschlagerus;

Symb[olum]: tendit ad ardua virtus. *

Francof[urti] ad Moenum, Mense 8bri 1725

 * Tob 12:3; Vulgate: “me duxit et reduxit sanum … et bonis omnibus per eum repleti sumus”.

* Ovid, Epistolae de Ponto 2.2.113.


Sweet is the love towards the homeland, sweet is to see our beloved ones again.

For he hath brought me again to thee in safety, and he filled me with all goods. Tob 12. *

This I wanted to write to the eminent owner [of this album], that the Lord may lead him on a fortunate way pass by pass nearer to his hearth

Johann Konrad Olenschlager

Motto: Virtue aspires upwards. *

In Frankfurt am Main, in October of 1725.










p. 425. Frankfurt am Main, October 1725

Olenschlager, Johann Conrad