Expetendae opes, ut dignis largiamur *
Simul et semper

Honoris et memoriae causa Praenobili ac Doct[issi]mo Domino Fran[cisco] Paris Papay sic se commendat

Johannes Paulus Bailladon

Symb[olum]: – Jesus Peccatores Beat.

Ratisbonae 14 9bre 1725.

 * The quotation comes from Gabriele Simeoni, Imprese heroiche 35 (translated in several languages, usually bound together with the imprese of Giovio and Paradin).


We should desire richness for rewarding those worthy of it * / now and forever.

Written as a token of respect toward the noble and learned Mr. Ferenc Pápay Páriz, and as a memento

Jean Paul Bailladon

Motto: Jesus makes sinners happy.

In Regensburg, on November 14, 1725.








p. 433. Regensburg, November 14, 1725

Bailladoses [?], Johannes Paulus