Dic sine fine preces, vacuam duc crimine vitam,
   Fac sapienter opus, Fer patienter onus.

Avara Latinitatis manus, quatuor solummodo verba imperativi modi terminavit in consonantem, quibus tamen omnia singulorum fidelium officia elegantem in modum sunt expressa.


Labore erudito, eruditione probo, probitate pio, pietate maxime conspicuo, et variis per exotica Regna peregrinationibus Cultissimo, Nobilissimo ac Eruditissimo Juveni Viro D[omi]no Francisco Páriz Papai, Medicinae Doctori Experientissimo, peregrinationis suae Anglicanae Promotori Liberalissimo, et quamdiu in hoc fragilitati obnoxio vitae tabernaculo hospitare licebit, jugi observantia prosequendo memoriam suam & se totum humilimè commendatur.

Johannes Kausai. Ung[arus]

Londini Anno 1723 Idibus Septembribus

Symb. Per aspera ad prospera.



Tell your prayers without end, lead your life without sin, / do your things wisely, carry your burden with patience.

The covetous hand of Latins closed the imperative of only four verbs with a consonant; but with these four all the duties of every believer can be expressed.

With which

I will faithfully conserve the memory of, and humbly recommend mine to the noble and young Ferenc Pápai Páriz, who is learned by efforts, brave by learnedness, pious by braveness, outstanding by piety, and very wise, noble and cultured by the visitation of many foreign lands; to the experienced physician and my generous promoter during my peregrination in England; as long as I may stay in this tabernacle of my life subdued to transitoriness,

János Kausai, Hungarian student of theology

In London, on the Idus of September of 1723.

Motto: Through difficulties to felicity.













p. 439. London, September 13, 1723

Kausai, János
(active 1723-1724), Hungarian student of theology

János Kausai wrote in the album of Pápai Páriz on September 13, 1723, indicating his being Hungarian and a student of theology (Ung., S. S. Theol. Studiosus). He immatriculated in the rolls of the university of Utrecht in 1724 as “Johannes Causai, Kecskemethino-Hungarus.” From this we learn him to come from Kecskemét. We have no more data about him.

• AlbUtr 125 • Weszprémi III 314