– – – Sed nihil tantus labor profuit. Tuum enim in hoc sum, ut illatam à Mundo nostris Manibus ac meritis pio conatu auferam controversiam, alios Amicorum mors avocat; hi frigescunt; illi pauperascunt: alii vana spe lactant; hi trepidare faciunt; intercedunt illi, mecum soliciti: his invitus sum; illis honoratus; multis fortasse suspectens; soli Deo notus. Interea anni defluunt, aetas languescit, vita admodum festinat; ego vero, tantis malis fissus ac languens, humanaeque satur infidelitatis, tandem acquiesco, et venientes olim expecto in votis Deos.

Nobili ac Generoso Juveni Viro, D[omi]no Francisco
P. Pápai, Cognato & [?] diuque quaesito, tandem
reperto, amantissimo, officia ac memoriam collocat
et insuper discedere a divitis volens Britannis, haec

peregrinus Hungarus.

Londini 1723 16 Julii st[ilo] v[eteri].

– - – Tibi nos, tibi nostra supellex:
quicquid praeterea nostris reperitur in Hortis
Servierint – - – - -



“– – – However, all these efforts were worth of nothing. I am yours, inasmuch I take up the dispute put into our hands and entrusted to us by the world. Some of our friends have been summoned by death; some have been reduced to poverty; others are nourished by vain hopes; some I fear and some upset me; some steer clear of me and some honour me; and only God knows me. In the meantime the years pass on, and old age is nearing; and I, troubled and weighed down by so many woes, and surfeited with the unfaithfulness of people, finally acquiesce and look forward with prayers to the arrival of the gods.”

To the eminent and noble young Ferenc Pápai Páriz, my long awaited and finally discovered relative, I recommend my services and good memory, and finally, leaving the riches of Britanny, I leave this farewell present

András Nánásy, Hungarian peregrinating student.

In London, on July 16, 1723, by the old calendar.

“– – – We are yours, yours is all we have / whatever you find in our garden, is at your disposal – – – ”














p. 443. London, July 27, 1723

Nánási Lovász, András
(?-1750 után), Transylvanian Reformed pastor

András Nánási Lovász was born in Transylvania, the son of the Reformed Archdeacon Mihály N. L. (1662-1709), grandson of the Archdeacon István N. L. (1624-1683/84) and of the Reformed Bishop Mihály Tofeus (1624-1684). He learned in Nagyenyed (Aiud), then in 1721 he went to the university of Franeker. He also visited England. After returning home, he was pastor in 1724 in Kassa (Košice), in 1728 Huszt (Hust), Visk (Viskove) and Nyíracsád, from 1737 Marosszentkirály (Sâncraiu de Mureş). After being banished from Hungary, he went to exile in Transylvania, where in 1750 he became court pastor of the Counts Teleki. His work, besides his funeral sermons and his poem written on the death of Ferenc Pápai Páriz: Tacentis mundi respublica, sive cogitationes nonnullae rationales de statu animarum post mortem; praeses Ruard Andala, subjicit Andreas Nánási. Franeker, 1723.

Nánási wrote in the album of Pápai Páriz in July 1723. In this same year he defended in Franeker under the chairmanship of Ruardus ab Andala, who wrote in the album in 1719 (p. 129).

• AlbFran 315 • Graaf • Peregrinus • Szinnyei • Zoványi-Ladányi