Kempis dell'Imitat. di Cristo L[ibro] III. C[apitolo] XXXIX.
Figliolo, commetti a Dio sempre la tua
causa, & Lui disporrà bene al suo tempo.
Commenda Domino vias tuas, & spera in eum,
Ipse benefaciet. * Hisce Generoso
atque doctissimo Domino Possessori, sui memoriam cum voto
omnigenae Prosperitatis, commendare voluit
Joannes Georgius Gullmannus
augustanus Londini, a. d. 2. Julij
* Ps 37:5: Vulgate: “Revela Domino viam
tuam et spera in eum et ipse faciet.” Also quoted in an
abbreviated form by Johann Huldreich Heyden on
p. 147.
Kempis, Following of Christ, 3.39 [5.33.]
My son, recommend your things always to God, and He will arrange
them in due time.
Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in
him; and he shall bring it to pass. *
With this I want to recommend myself into
the memory of the generous and learned owner [of this book],
wishing him all kind of success
Johann Georg Gullmann of
in London, on July 2, 1721.
455. London, July 2, 1721
Gullmann, Johann Georg
(?-1754), Mayor of Augsburg
Johann Georg Gullmann of Augsburg, princely
councillor of Württemberg married Juliana Veronica Voit von Berg,
the orphan daughter of Leonhard Friedrich Voit von Berg on April
3, 1736. Later he
became Mayor of Augsburg, and died on March 5, 1754. These few
data could be excavated from titles of wedding and funeral poems and
orations printed in Augsburg.