Praeclarum mihi quiddam videtur adeptus is, qui, quâ re homines bestiis praestant, ea in re hominibus ipsis antecellat. Cic[ero] *

Haecce Clarissimo Doctissimoque hujus Albi Possessori cum voto omnigenae prosperitatis in perpetuam sui memoriam apponere voluit
Otto Friederich Corthum Hamb[urgensis] M. Dr.

Lugd[uni] Bat[avorum] d. 31. Aug. M.D.CCXIX.

 * Cicero, De inventione 1.5.


I regard very illustrious that student who is that much outstanding between men as much outstanding man is between animals. Cicero. *

This I wanted to note to the outstanding and learned owner [of this album], wishing him all kind of success, and recommending myself to his memory

Otto Friedrich Corthum of Hamburg,
doctor of medicine

In Leiden, on August 31, 1719








p. 458. Leiden, August 31, 1719

Corthum, Otto Friedrich
(1692-1726), German physician

Otto Friedrich Corthum was born on July 6, 1692 in Sülfeld, the son of the pastor Justus C. (?-1724) and of Anna Elisabeth Lütkens, brother of the later pastor Justus C. (1684-1731) and of the later lawyer and Mayor of Hamburg Lucas C. (1688-1765). He learned in the Joanneum and from 1709 in the high school of Hamburg, then he went to Leipzig to attend medicine. In 1717 he immatriculated in Leiden, where he graduated in medicine on July 3, 1719. Then he practised in Hamburg. He died on April 6, 1726. His dispute and examen were published: Dissertatio de anima rationali, an sit corporis vitale principium? sub praesidio Polycarpi Gottlieb Schacheri … subiiciet Otto Fridericus Corthum. Leipzig, 1715. – Disputatio inauguralis de aeris, seorsim ab ex-halationibus considerati, in corpus humanum effectu. Leiden, 1719.

Otto Friedrich Corthum wrote his memento in the album of Pápai Páriz some weeks before his doctoral examen.

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