Adscripsi cum voto omnis prosperitatis

J. Baptista Ottius
A[rchi] Diac[onu]s Templi Capit[uli] Tiguri

Die 7. Jul. 1719 Badis Helvetiorum.

 * Col 3:11: Vulgate: “ubi non est gentilis et Iudaeus … barbarus et Scytha …”


There is neither Greek nor Jew … Barbarian, Scythian… *

I wrote this wishing all the best

Johann Baptist Otte
archideacon of the cathedral church of Zürich

Baden an der Limmat, on July 7, 1719.







p. 472. Baden an der Limmat, July 7, 1719

Otte, Johann Baptist
(1661-1732), Swiss Reformed pastor, Hebraist

Johann Baptist Otte (Ott) was born in 1661, the son of the theologian and orientalist Johann Heinrich Otte (1619-1682). He was deacon in Stein, then pastor in Zolliken; from 1702 professor of Hebrew, from 1706 pastor of the Grossmünster in Zürich, and from 1716 archideacon of the same. Some of his works are: Dissertatio de votis. Zürich, 1681. – Bericht von denen vor der S. Reformation in teutscher Sprach gegebenen geschriebenen und gedruckten Uebersetzungen der Heil. Schrift. Zürich, 1710. – Muthmassliche Gedancken von denen im Brachmonat und Heumonat MDCCXXIV zu Cloten … entdeckten … Antiquitäten. Zürich, 1724. – Des vortrefflichen jüdischen Geschicht-Schreibers Flavii Josephi sämmtliche Wercke … neu übersetzet. Zürich, 1736. – Vitae historia ab ipsomet Badae Helvetiorum in otio per usum thermarum mense Junio 1732 adumbrata, in Satura dissertationum …, Zürich. P. I, pag. 20-46. U. N. ?, 1741, pag. 238.

Otte wrote in the album in the nearby spa of Baden an der Limmat, famous for its sulphuric thermal baths, on the summer of 1719. In the same village he wrote his autobiography in June 1732. For ancient Romans this place was known as Aquae Helvetiae or Thermae Helvetiae.

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