Bene est: Serve bone et fidelis, in exiguo fidelis fuisti, Super
multa te constituam. Mat. 25. 23. *
Hoc divinô Salvatoris nostri dictô, mercedem non hypocritis verùm
dignis promittente, Virum ad majora natum Experientiss[imum] M[edicinae] D[octorem]
D[ominum] Franciscum P[ariz] Papai contra mordacia hominum ora justè coronat.
Petrus Vásárhellyi, in perpetuum inchoatae nuper sed sincerè
confirmandae amicitiae pignus, cuique ut Terra dignos ita Coelum
aeternos utraque suô tempore dent uberrimè fructus, idem, Ejusdem
Londini 1724 26 Augusti Stilo Vulg[ari]
Lucrum meum tum in Vita tum in Morte est Xtus. *
* Mt 25:23: Vulgate: “euge serve bone et
fidelis quia super pauca fuisti fidelis supra multa te
constituam”. * The motto is an imitation
of Phil 1:21: “For me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.” Vulgate: “mihi enim vivere Christus est et mori

 “O give
thanks unto the LORD, for he is good: for his mercy endureth
for ever.”
Well done, good and faithful servant; thou hast been faithful over
a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things. Mt 25:23. *
With this saying of our divine Saviour, with which He promised His
grace not to the hypocrite, but to him who is worthy of it, now I
deservedly crown, against all human malice, the experienced doctor
of medicine Ferenc Pápai Páriz, born for great things:
Péter Vásárhelyi, in token of his always
imperfect, but always sincere friendship, praying that might the
earth grow him [to Pápai] worthy fruits and the heaven eternal
ones, both in its due time.
In London, on August 26, 1724 by the common
Motto: “My gain is Christ, both in life and
in death. *
474. London, August 26, 1724
Kézdivásárhelyi, Péter
(?-1746), Transylvanian Reformed
Kézdivásárhelyi (Vásárhelyi) was born in Transylvania; his brother
was the pastor András Kézdivásárhelyi (?-1767). He began to learn
in the upper classes in Nagyenyed (Aiud) in 1715, then he studied
from 1724 in Utrecht, and from November of the same year in
Frankfurt an der Oder. After returning home he became court pastor
of Count József Teleki (1701-1729), then from 1729 pastor in
Gyulafehérvár (Alba Iulia), and from 1730 in Szászváros (Orăştie),
where in 1735 he became first pastor. He came into conflict with
his assistant pastor and the community, thus in 1742 he was
transferred to Székelyudvarhely (Odorheiu Secuiesc), where he was
elected archdeacon. There he died on April 11, 1746. His works
are: Dissertatio theologica de
praestantia, necessitate atque utilitate studii prophetici.
Francofurti ad Viadrum, 1726. – Halotti tanítás, mellyet …
gróf széki Teleki József … eltemettetése alkalmatosságával …
1729. esztendőben … elmondott. s.l., 1732.
This note attests that at the end of August 1724
Péter Kézdivásárhelyi was in London, probably in relation to his
studies in Utrecht.
AlbUtr 126 • Jakó-Juhász 132 • Szinnyei XIV 982 • Zoványi-Ladányi
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