One of the gems of the Library of the Hungarian Academy of
Sciences is the Album Amicorum of Ferenc Pápai Páriz, Jr., that he
carried with himself on his one and half decade long European
peregrination (1711-1726). This album amicorum, the use of
which followed a widespread European practice of the age, is now
made available for all those interested in this period and topic.
This album, which offers a very special glance into the
intellectual life of 18th-century Europe, is published at the
Internet on the occasion of Hungary's accession to the European
Union on May 1, 2004.
The 122 pages of the Album preserve nice
mementos written in Arabic, English, French, German, Greek,
Hebrew, Italian, Latin, Spanish or Syriac – and in many cases in
more than one language – by English, Danish, Dutch, French,
German, Hungarian, Polish and Swiss personalities: bishops, professors,
physicians as well as many students that became celebrities of the
next generation. The notes are regularly composed of a quotation,
a motto and a recommendation, followed by a signature. You can
browse in them by persons, places, dates or the original pages. We
have managed to identify almost all the persons who made their
notes in the Album: we also include their biographies. Our
publication is further enriched with maps, with frontispieces of
some important works, as well as portraits of the persons. We
cordially recommend it to the attention of every visitor of us.
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by the
Library of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
on the occasion of Hungary's accession
to the European Union
May 1, 2004
Marianne Rozsondai
Head, Dept. of Manuscripts & Rare
Books of the HAS
director, coordination, consultant editor
Dr. Tamás Sajó
Studiolum Publisher
transcription, translation, notes
Dr. Béla Rozsondai
research fellow, Library of the HAS
identification of persons, biographies
Klára Láng
Collection, Library of the HAS
web edition
We say thanks to
• Dr. Zoltán Ábrahám, Dr. Kinga
Dévényi, György Sajó and Fr. Jakob Thekeparampil for their help in
the translation of the Greek, Arabic, Hebrew and Syriac notes of
the Album
• Prof. Dr. Ferenc Postma (Vrije
Universiteit, Amsterdam) and Marianna Czapnik (Biblioteka
Uniwersytecka w Warszawie) for their contributions to notes in the
Album by Dutch and Polish persons, respectively
Published with the support
of the National Cultural Fund
and the
Ministry of National Cultural Heritage