Tot malorum fluctibus haec onusta
Patriae qui dulcia rura linguis,
Audias Francisce rogo loquentem
Fausta precantem;
Foelicem ducat DEus, atque sanum,
Et reducat inde citò beatum,
Vive, longaevos numeres ut annos,
Nec mala cernas.
Claudiopol[i] Transylvaniae.
A[nn]o 1711. 30. Julij.
Deproperat abiturienti Patriae Spei,
D[omi]no FRANCISCO P. Papai. S. R. I. Com[es]: Johannes Teleki.
Philos[ophiae]: Studiosus. An[no] aetatis decimo sexto.
You, who are wandering throughout the land burdened with so much
evil / of our sweet fatherland, / Listen, Ferenc, to me who
praying / wishes you all the best. / May God safely and healthily
lead you / and may He bring you back to us in happiness. / Live
and count many years / and see no evil.
In the Transylvanian Kolozsvár, July 30, 1711.
Improvised for the great hope
of our fatherland, FERENC Pápai P., who is leaving from home, by
Count János Teleki, student of philosophy, at his age of sixteen
p. 86.
Kolozsvár/Cluj, July 30, 1711
Teleki, János
(c. 1696-1772), magnate and Captain
General of Transylvania
Count János Teleki of Szék was born around 1695/96, a son of
Mihály Teleki (1671-1720), Captain General of Kővár (Chior), and
Katalin Thoroczkay (?-1723), grandson of the great Transylvanian
politician Mihály Teleki (1634-1690). In 1744 he also became
Captain General of Kővár. He converted to the Catholic confession.
He married Borbála Vay of Vaja. They had four daughters and three
sons. He died in 1772 in Vingárd (Alsó-Fehér county, today
In the Album, the three brothers Count Teleki are
followed by two younger members of the family, János and his
younger brother Mihály. János made his note on July 30, 1711, at
his age of sixteen. This means that, in contrast to the current
standpoint of historiography, he was born between August 1695 and
July 1696. On the same day made his note their tutor András Ajtai
(p. 451).
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