Voveo, individuo Achati, * omnibus sinceriori nuper
S: R: I: Com[itum] Telekiorum Johannis, Michaëlis et Davidis Ephorus.
Andreas Ajtai.
Claudiopol[i] Transylvaniae. A[nn]o 1711. 30. Julij.
* The biblical verses are preceded, for
the representation of God who says the thereafter following
exhortations, by the Hebrew divine name yhwh, in which
however the waw is incorrectly punctuated, having a
patach instead of qamec.
Gen 12:1: Lekh-lekha me’artsekha umimoladtekha umibeyt /
’avikha ’el-ha’arets ’asher ’ar’ekha.
The punctuation of this text differs from Masoretic text:
1) In the third word of the first line the taw of “umimoladtekha”
has a dagesh
forte in the Masoretic text, which is missing here.
2) In the “asher” of the second line the diacritical
point is missing from shin.
Gen 15:1: ’Al-tira ’anokhi magen lakh.
Differences from the Masoretic text:
1) In the manuscript a dagesh forte is missing from the
taw of “tira”.
2) In the word “anokhi” the “o” is indicated by
a single cholem in the Masoretic text, while in the
manuscript a mater lectionis is also added (waw +
3) In the manuscript the accent signs are missing both from
the qaf of “anokhi” and the lamed of “lakh”. *
Achates was a friend of Aeneas, cf. Virgil, Aeneis,
GOD, [the divine name YHWH embraces with a curly bracket the
hereafter following Old Testament quotations], who once had told
to Abraham, now tells to Ferenc Pápai Páriz:
“Get thee out of thy country and from thy kindred, and from
thy father's house, unto a land that I will shew thee.”
And might He also say to Ferenc:
“Fear not, I am thy shield” *
This I wish to my inseparable Achates, * once my
most faithful schoolmate and room-mate, from all my heart.
The tutor of the Counts János, Mihály and Dávid
Teleki, András Ajtai.
In Kolozsvár of Transylvania, on July 30, 1711.
451. Kolozsvár (Cluj), July 30, 1711
Ajtai Szabó, András
(1690-1733), Transylvanian
Ajtai Szabó (András Ajtai) was born in 1690 in Középajta
(Háromszék county, today Aita Medie, Roumania). He studied in
Székelyudvarhely (Odorheiu Secuiesc) and Nagyenyed (Aiud).
Supported by Counts József and Sándor Teleki, he went to visit
foreign academies in 1710. In 1713 he was a student of the
university of Halle, where he graduated doctor of medicine in
1714. He went with Ferenc Pápai Páriz to England to collect
donations for the College of Nagyenyed. In 1715 he immatriculated
at Leiden, in 1716 at Basel. After returning home he worked as a
physician. He died in 1733 in Szásznádas (Kisküküllő county,
Nadeş). His work: Dissertatio medica
theoretica de medicinae et doctrinae moralis nexu: quam
praeside Mich. Alberti publ. disquisitioni proponit. Halle, 1714.
His note written in the album clarifies that he
had been schoolmate, and even room-mate (contubernalis) of Pápai
Páriz, and that in 1711 he was in Kolozsvár as tutor (ephorus) of
the three sons of Count Mihály Teleki, Captain of Kővár (Chioar);
two of them – János and Mihály – wrote in the album on the same
day (pp. 86,
87). (The name of the third son Dávid is
marked with a cross in the genealogy of the Teleki family,
indicating his premature death [Teleki]). – Ajtai defended his
dissertation in Halle in 1714; his professor Michael Alberti wrote
his memento in July 1714 in the album of Pápai Páriz (p.
427). The year of this defence indicates that Ajtai had not
been born in 1672 [Szinnyei,
Pintér], but most probably in 1690 [Zoványi-Ladányi, PIM]. He
immatriculated at the university of Leiden on February 15, 1715,
at the age of 25, on the same day with Ferenc Pápai Páriz. –
An interesting document of the English relations of Ajtai is his
letter written on March 6, 1716 in London to John Covell, master
of Christ’s Church College in Cambridge, who wrote in the
album in September of 1716 (p. 476). The
beginning of the fundraising in Oxford is indicated by a
thanksgiving letter by Ajtai to Arthur
Charlett, master of the University College in Oxford [Gömöri:
• AlbLeid 840 • Graaf •
Jakó-Juhász 122, 131 • Peregrinus • Szinnyei • Weszprémi II/1 24,
III 304 • Zoványi-Ladányi |