Bernae, d. 29. Junij 1719.

Haec paucula Nobiliss[im]o et Doctissimo possessori in sui memoriam hîc apponere voluit

Elisaeus Malacrida V[erbi] D[ivini] M[inister] et S. S. Theol[ogiae] Pr[ofessor]

 * The first verse of this quotation is also used by Robertus Aemilius on p. 227.


If God helps, envy can do no harm / If God does not help, all effort is in vain. *

In Bern, on June 29, 1719.

With this trifle wants to recommend himself into the memory of the noble and learned possessor [of this album]

Elisaeus Malacrida pastor and professor of theology








p. 145. Bern, June 29, 1719

Malacrida, Elisaeus
(c. 1657 -1719), Swiss Reformed theologian

The Malacrida family takes their origin in the valley of Veltlin near to Lago di Como. (This region at that time belonged to Graubünden canton of Switzerland, today is Valtellina, that is Valley of the river Teglio in Italy.) The Palace Malacrida still can be seen in Morbegno. At the massacre of Veltlin in 1620 a member of this Reformed family, Elisaeus fled to Paris. There was born his son Peter (?-1684), who learned in Zurich, Genf and Bern, then became army chaplain, and from 1671 lived in Bern. His son Elisaeus was born around 1657. He was immatriculated at the faculty of theology of the university of Leiden on February 25, 1682, at the age of 25. He was the first pastor of the Swiss community in Potsdam, later pastor in Bern, and professor of theology, moral philosophy and Greek language. He died in 1719. His son Elisaeus was born in Bern; he was baptized on March 13, 1692. He learned theology in Bern, Genf and Heidelberg: he was immatriculated in Genf on June 27, 1713. In the matricules of the university of Leiden he was registered on November 23, 1718, as being 26 years old, and already a practising pastor. In 1721 he returned to Bern, and from 1723 he was pastor in the nearby Mühleberg (Bern canton, Laupen district), and later in Bern. He did not marry. He died on March 23, 1756. His valuable library is today preserved in Chur, in the library of the town and of Graubünden canton. A sad mission of him is attested by a published sermon of his: Functionum pastoralium una ex tristissimis, oder, Elisaei Malacrida, Pfarrers zu Mühlenberg Ankündung des Todes, die in dem Kercker zu Laupen vorgetragen worden dem Benedicht Morgenegger, welcher tags darauf, nemlich mittwochs den 23. Aprill 1738 lebendig gerädert worden. Bern: zu finden bey Friederich Emanuel Fassnacht, Buchbinder, [1738?]. – A theological disputation of his father and some of the theses defended under his presidence were published, like for example: Dissertatio physico-ethica de mundi causa efficiente et finali, quam … praeside … Elisaeo Malacrida … subjicit Joh. Georg Berset … Bern, 1702. – Disquisitio theologica an dogmata fidei reformatorum cum ideis sanae rationis pugnare dicenda sint? Quam … praeside … Elisaeo Malacrida publicae disquisitioni subjicit Henricus Hunziker … author … Bern, 1715.

Elisaeus Malacrida made his note in the Album on June 29, 1719, indicating his title of professor of theology. Thus he is most probably the elder Elisaeus, who died in this same year. His son had begun his studies in Leiden in November of the previous year.

• AlbLeid 650, 861 • Chur • DHBS IV 642 • HBLS • Jöcher-Adelung • LivrGen I 193, 264, IV 401 • Pallas XVI 762