Artis Apollineae quod sis Parize peritus,
Haud mirum, nosti; corpus et ipse tuum.
Si non Galenus jubet hoc, at doctus Apollo
Tam quod sui memoriam commendet: Quam Venerationem erga
Nobilissimum ac Experientissimum Dominum Possessorem exprimat,
apposuit Stephanus Vargha. L. C. Hung:
* On the inscription “gnôthi seauton”
of the temple of Apollo in Delphoi, and on its various
interpretations from antiquity to the Renaissance see Erasmus, Adagia 1.6.95 (Nosce teipsum).
As you, Páriz, are well-versed in the art of Apollo, / thus no
wonder that you know your own body, / even if this is not
commanded by Galenus, but by wise Apollo, / this knowledge being
included in his command "know thyself".
Written in order to recommend himself into the memory of the very
noble and experienced owner [of this album], and to express his
honour, by the Hungarian István Varga.
In London, on September 9, 1724.
159. London, September 9, 1724
Varga, István
(active between 1724-1726),
Hungarian student of law and theology
István Varga wrote his note in the album of Ferenc
Pápai Páriz in London, on September 9, 1724. He immatriculated at
the University of Leiden a year later, on September 19, 1725, as
it is attested by the university rolls: "Stephanus Warga, Ketskemeto-Hungarus, T. et J.",
that is, he was from Kecskemét, and read theology and law in
Leiden. Then he immatriculated in Franeker on July 8, 1727. He has
left another memento while in Leiden: a greeting poem in a wedding
print of 1728, together with two other Hungarians:
Huwlykszangen. Epithalamium. In nuptias, plurimum reverendi
atque doctissimi, domini Corneli van der Zwet, pastoris in
Jutphaas, & praestantissimae virginis, Johannae van Dieningen.
[Twee gedichten, ondertekend resp.: Stephanus Varga, Pannonius;
Josephus Harkanyi, Transylvanus Hungarus; twee Nederlandse
gedichten, ondertekend resp.: Johannes Schróder; I. vander Voort;
anagrammen, samenspraken voor bruid en bruidegom en gedichten,
door Samuel Fay, Hungarus; een Nederlands sonnet, ondertekend:
E.V. Blijkens een van de opschriften werd het huwelijk gesloten in
Leiden.] Leiden, 1728. 23 p. – As it is indicated in this title,
István Varga came from Pannonia, that is, from mainland Hungary,
while József Harkányi, who immatriculated in Leuven in 1726 [Szabó-Szögi 209],
from Transylvania. We also have a
poem by István Varga, written for the successfull defence of
József Harkányi. – The third Hungarian poet in the wedding print,
Sámuel Fáy had noted in the album of Ferenc Páriz Pápai in 1726 in
Vienna (p. 475).
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