His felicia quaevis precari, suique memoriam Praestantissimo D.
Papai commendare voluit
Franc[iscus] Fabricius, Amstelo-Batavus,
S. S. Theol[ogiae] Dr. & Professor atque V[erbi] D[ivini]
Lugduni in Batavis,
die 27 Novemb[ris] a[nn]o 1719.
* Eph 4:15: Vulgate: „veritatem autem
facientes in caritate”. Also quoted by Daniel Ernst Jablonski
p. 121.
Speaking the truth, in love. *
With this I wish all the best to the
illustrious Mr. Pápai, and recommend myself in his memory
Franciscus Fabricius from the Dutch Amsterdam,
doctor and professor of theology, and pastor
In Leiden, on November 27, 1719.
p. 253. Leiden, November 27, 1719
Fabricius, Franciscus
(1663-1738), Dutch Reformed
Franciscus Fabricius was born in Amsterdam on
April 10, 1663, the son of the pastor Johannes F. and of Katharina Felbier.
At the age of five he lost both of his parents, and was educated
by his maternal grandfather. He learned Oriental languages in
Amsterdam, then in 1681 went to the university of Leiden. In 1687
he became a pastor in Velsen (Noord-Holland), where he got married
in 1690. In 1696 he became a preacher in Leiden. In 1705, at the
death of Jacobus Trigland (1652-1705) he followed him at the
faculty of theology of the university and in the office of
supervisor of the schools of the Netherlands. At this time, in
order he could dedicate himself better to university duties, he
renounced half of his preacher's work and salary. He was rector of
the university of Leiden for four periods. In 1716 he was elected
a member of the English Royal Society for the Propagation of the
Gospel. He lectured in dogmatics in a somewhat controversial
Cocceian spirit, but he focused mainly on practical theology,
principally on homiletics. The title of professor of homiletics
(professor eloquentiae sacrae) was created directly for him in
1722 at the Leiden university, after he had taught this subject
for many years. His speech delivered in the St. Peter's of Leiden
in 1725, on the 150th anniversary of the Leiden academy, became
very celebrated. He died in Leiden on July 27, 1738. The funeral
oration was told by professor Jan van den Honert, the son of Taco
Hajo van den Honert. Some of his important works are: De Christo unico ac perpetuo ecclesiae fundamento,
1705, 1717. – De oratore sacro, 1722. – Oratio in
natalem centesimum et quinquagesimum, sive annum jubilaeum tertium
academiae Batavae, quae est Lugduni-Batavorum. Leiden, 1725. -
Opera omnia philologico-theologica, exegetica et oratoria,
Leiden, 1740. 4 vol. – Our Library preserves
a dissertation of 1736 defended in Leiden under his
chairmanship by Bernhardinus de Moor.
In his note written in Leiden Franciscus Fabricius
indicates both his titles of professor and pastor (V.D.M.), and
regards it important to emphasize that he originates from
Amsterdam: Amstelo-Batavus. –
The next note in the album, written on the same day, is from
professor Taco Hajo
van den Honert (p. 257).
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