Non est currentis, aut volentis. *

Praestanti plane, erudito, et varia peregrinatione cultissimo Viro, Francisco Pariz Papaj, magni Nominis Patris Filio dignissimo, optime de publico merituro, Deus è coelis benedicat, et per universum vitae cursum optata faustaque omnia evenire sinat, salva et florente Patriae Ecclesia; voto

C[ampegius] Vitringa Th[eologiae] et H[istoriae] S[acrae] Professoris


 * The motto is a paraphrase of Rom 9:16: “So then it is not of him that willeth, nor of him that runneth, but of God that sheweth mercy”; Vulgate: “igitur non volentis neque currentis sed miserentis Dei”.


Not of him that runneth, nor of him that willeth. *

I wish to the eminent, erudite and in the many peregrinations experienced Ferenc Pápai Páriz, worthy son of his renowned father, who deserves all the best: that God might bless him from heaven, and might all his efforts reach fortunate success, in the middle of the integrity and flourishing of the church of his fatherland,

Campegius Vitringa
professor of theology and church history

In Franeker, on September 16, 1719.









p. 325. Franeker, September 16, 1719

Vitringa, Campegius, Sen.
(1659-1722), Dutch Reformed theologian, orientalist

Campegius Vitringa, Sen. (Kempe Vitringa) was born on May (March?) 16, 1659 in Leeuwarden, the son of the clerk of the Supreme Council of Frisia Horatius Wigeri Vitringa (1631-1669), and of Albertina de Haen. He mastered Greek and Hebrew at an early age, thus he read the Holy Script in the original languages. At the age of 16 he studied philosophy and theology in Franeker; the title of his three disputes is De origine monachatus. In 1678 he went to Leiden, where in the following year he graduated doctor of theology. The chairman of one of his defences was Friedrich Spanheim (1632-1701). In 1681 he became professor of oriental languages, in 1633 of theology, and in 1693 of church history in Franeker, and he was a school founder in all the three branches. Five years later he was invited as a professor to Utrecht, but he remained in Franeker. He died on March 31, 1722. His two sons followed him in scientific carreer: Horatius Vitringa only lived 18 years and died in 1696, while Campegius Vitringa, Jr. (1693-1723) also became a professor in Franeker. Campegius V., Sen. published commentaries of the Bible, theological works and controversies, like for example: Anakrisis Apocalypsios Joannis Apostoli. Franeker, 1705. – Typus theologiae practicae Franeker, 1716. – Hypotyposis historiae et chronologiae sacrae … Accedit typus doctrinae propheticae. Franeker, 1708. – De Synagoga vetere libri tres … Franeker, 1696. – Disputationes cum H.A. Röell. – Verklaring van de evangelische parabolen … Amsterdam, 1715. – Verdeding daarvan tegen J.H. Coccejus.

His son, Campegius Vitringa, Jr. also wrote in the album (p. 125).

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