1 Thess. V. 21.

Inscriptione divini hujus moniti, sui memoriam insinuare, amicitiam testari, ac omnimodum favorem Divinum integro animo apprecari Cultissimo, Doctissimoque albi hujus possessori, volui, debui,

C[ampegius] Vitringa F[ilius] Th[eologiae] D[octor] et prof[essor]

Dabam Franek[erae]


 * 1Thess 5:21: in the Vulgate: “omnia autem probate quod bonum est tenete”. The Paulian quotation is originally: Panta de dokimazete, to kalon katechete. Also quoted by Christianus Sitkowius on p. 462.


Prove all things, hold fast that which is good. 1Thess 5:21. *

By noting down this divine admonition I want and had to recommend myself into the memory of the learned and erudite possessor of this album, giving a proof of my friendship, and wishing him all divine mercy from all my soul.

Campegius Vitringa, Jr.,
doctor and professor of theology

I wrote this in the Frisian Franeker,
on September 18, 1719.









p. 125. Franeker, September 18, 1719

Vitringa, Campegius, Jr.
(1693-1723), Dutch Reformed theologian

Campegius Vitringa (Kempe Vitringa), Jr. was born on March 23, 1693 in Franeker, the fourth, youngest son of the theologian and orientalist elder Campegius Vitringa (1659-1722) and Wilhelmina van Hel (?-1728). He studied in the Latin school of Franeker and in the local academy, and then in Leiden and Utrecht. He debated in Franeker in 1711 under the presidence of Ruardus ab Andala, and in 1715 he obtained the degree of doctor of theology. Soon he became extraordinary professor of theology, and in 1716, following his father, ordinary professor in Franeker. He died in Franeker on January 11, 1723. His works include amongst other: Disp. an possit dari progressus in infinitum in ordine causarum efficientium, quarum una pendeat ab alia? Franeker, 1711. – Disp. de facie et posterioribus Dei … – Epitome theologiae naturalis … Franeker, 1720. – Dissertatio theologica prima [- secunda] de lucta Jacobi cum Angelo … Franeker, 1718. – Oratio inauguralis de spiritu et litera religionis. Franeker, 1717. – Epitome theologiae naturalis … de notione Spiritus Sancti … Leeuwarden, 1735.

Two days earlier the elder Campegius Vitringa has also made his note in the Album of Ferenc Pápai Páriz (p. 325). – The collection published at the death of the younger Campegius Vitringa with the title Carmina lugubria ab ornatissimis academiae civibus pie edita in funere … Campegii Vitringa … (Franeker, 1723) includes amongst other a funeral poem written by the same Hungarian student of theology Pál Keresztesi who later also wrote another poem on the death of Pierre Latané. Latané also made his memento in the Album in September of 1719, on the day following the note of the younger Vitringa (p. 431).

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