justum & tenacem propositi virum,
Non civium ardor prava jubentium,
  Non vultus, instantis Tyranni
     Mente quatit solida: neque auster,
dux inquieti turbidus Adriae,
Nec fulminantis magna jovis manus,
  Si fractus illabatur Orbis,
     impavidum ferient ruinae. *

Hocce Horatiano effato nobilissimi politissimi ac doctissimi domini Francisci Pariz Papai animum in hoc misero patriae statu erigere; & ad constantiam hortari, simulque sui memoriam commendare, affectum testari, omnia fausta per totum vitae cursum apprecari studuit, voluit. H. G. Certon, SS. Th. St:

Lugduni Batav[orum] VI. Kalend: decemb[ris]
anno j. Christi M.D.CC.XIX.

 * Horace, Carmina 3.3.1-8. We have included the English translation by John Conington. The verse is also quoted by Sámuel Fáy on p. 475.


The man of firm and righteous will / No rable, clamorous for the wrong / No tyrant's brow, whose frown may kill, / Can shake the strength that makes him strong / Not winds that chafe the sea they sway / Nor Jove's right hand, with lightning red: / Should Nature's pillar'd frame give way, / That wreck would strike one fearless head. *

With these Horatian verses I want to elevate the soul of the learned and erudite Ferenc Pápai Páriz in the middle of the present tribulations of his fatherland, and to encourage him to endurance; and at the same time to recommend myself into his memory, to give a token of my affections, and to wish him all kind of happiness during all his life. H. G. Certon, student of theology

In Leiden, in the year 1719 of Jesus Christ, on the 6th day before the calends of December











p. 393. Leiden, November 26, 1719

Certon, Henri Gabriel
(1697-1754), Vallon pastor in the Netherlands

Henri Gabriel Certon was born in Dordrecht on February 20, 1697, the son of the French emigrants Henry Louis Certon and Marianne de Marchezalliers de Bellevue. He studied theology in Leiden, and from 1725 he was a Vallon preacher in Dordrecht. He retired in 1753, and died in Dordrecht on May 28, 1754. His sermons were published in 1803 in three volumes. He married Marie Langlois, and they educated two sons and two daughters. A son of theirs, Henry Abraham (1735-1808) was the Vallon pastor in Rotterdam.

This Horatian quotation and the recommendation of Henri Gabriel Certon belong to the most direct allusions to the situation of Transylvania in the album. These same Horatian verses were quoted also by Sámuel Fáy in Vienna in 1726 (p. 475).

• NNBW VII 291