Omnia praeclara rara. *
Eruditissimo viro Dom[ino] Possessori haec pauca in sui memoriam
Petrus Latané
Med[icinae] doct[or] et prof[essor]
Franekerae, 19 7br. 1719
* Cicero, Laelius de
amicitia 79.3 (“Et quidem omnia praeclara rara…”)
Everything that is outstanding is rare. *
I want to recommend myself into the memory of the erudite owner [of
this album] with this trifle
Pierre Latané
doctor and professor of medicine
In Franeker, on September 19, 1719.
p. 431. Franeker,
September 19, 1719
Latané, Pierre
(1658-1726), French physician,
professor in the Netherlands
Pierre Latané was born in Pont-à-Mousson at Moselle on February 2, 1658,
in a distinguished family, the son of the justice of the peace
Jozef Latané, and grandson of the Protestant teacher Petrus
Latané. He studied in the high school of Bordeaux, then from 1675
in Montpellier with the renowned physician Charles de Barbeyrac (1629-1699)
and from 1679 with Nicolas Lemery
(1645-1715) in Paris. At the outbreak of the persecution of
Protestants following the revocation of the Edict of Nantes, he
fled from his native town and practised in Leeuwarden. From 1689
he lectured at the university of Franeker, in 1691 he was
appointed extraordinary professor, in 1693 ordinary professor, and
in 1701 also professor of botany. From 1712 he was court physician
of the Prince. He died on July 16, 1726. Two Hungarian students of
him wrote funeral poems at his death, one of them was the
physician and pastor Pál Keresztesi (?-1734): Threnodia in obitum P. Latane. Franeker, 1726. –
Latané was a successful physician: “clinicorum in nostra Frisia facile
princeps,” as well as a great humanist, and a doctor of the poor.
He recognised the nature of the Frisian autumn fever, and
successfully proposed quinine for its treatment. His inaugural
address was published: Oratio inauguralis de
officio medici. Franeker, 1693.
The above mentioned Pál Keresztesi also wrote a
funeral poem at the death of Campegius Vitringa, Jun. Vitringa
wrote one day earlier than Latané in the album of Pápai Páriz. (p.
125). Keresztesi defended his dissertation under the
chairmanship of Ruardus ab Andala (p. 129): Dissertationis medico-theologicae pars prior
de utilitate … medicinae … Franeker, 1725.
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