Et genus, & Proavos, & quae non fecimus ipsi,
Vix ea nostra voco. – – – *

Jure tamen Magni Patris, Summa de Republica & Ecclesia, pariter ac re Literaria merita Filius, Patre non minor, nominis ac Virtutum ex asse haeres, Vir Praeclarissimus ac Nobilissimus, D. FRANCISCUS PARIZ PAPAI. Med. Doctor. Experientissimus; Sua vocabit: cum non tantum ejus pientissimum (: quô maximè flagrabat :) Gloriae Divinae zelum, sanctissimos eum in finem conatus; indefessosque labores aemulando; se tanto genitore dignum probaverit: verùm etiam Nominis illius gloriam, nostra haec aetate egregiè sanè illustrat, de quo plurimùm gratulatus, amoris atque gratitudinis perenne monumentum erecturus; nomen suum subjicit Steph[anus] Cs. Kocsi, V[erbi] D[ivini] M[inister] Hungarus.

Non nobis sed Patriae nati.

Londini 11/22 Septemb. A. 1722

 * Ovid, Metamorphoses 13.140-141: “Nam genus et proavos et quae non fecimus ipsi / vix ea nostra voco…” We quote the English translation by Brookes More.


Now as for ancestors and noble birth / and deeds we have not done ourselves, all these / I hardly call them ours. *

With right can call his, however, the exceptional merits of his father acquired in the cause of the fatherland, the church and literature: his son, full heir of his name and virtues, the very eminent and noble FERENC PÁPAI PÁRIZ, the experienced physician; as he has not only proven himself worthy of his father through his ardent zeal towards divine glory and indefatigable working, but in the meantime he also renders more illustrious his father's name; for which I repeatedly congratulate him, and have erected him a monument of my love and gratefulness by signing here my name: the Hungarian István Cs. Kocsi, servant of the divine Word

We were born not for ourselves, but for our fatherland.

In London, on September (by the old calendar 11) 22, 1722.












p. 437. London, September 22, 1722

Kocsi Csergő, István
(?-1726), Reformed pastor, peregrinating student

István Kocsi (Csergő) was born in Debrecen, the son of the Reformed pastor Bálint Kocsi Csergő (1647-?). He began the upper classes of school in Debrecen in 1710, and from April 1719 on for a year he was senior of the academy. From 1721 he studied in Zürich, from the middle of the year in Franeker, and from December 1722 in Utrecht; then he spent a longer period in England. He died on the way back home in Hamburg, on July 3, 1726. His works are: Positiones theologicae … 23. Jan. 1721. Tigurii. – Dissertationis theol. textualis de voto peregrinantis Jacobi, in locum illustrem Genes. XXVIII. v. 20., 21. et 22. Pars prior, praeside Ruardo Andala. Pars posterior praeside Campegio Vitringa filio. Franequerae, 1722. Accedit Aphorismorum argumenti elenctici, per universam theologiam decas LIX. quam praeside Campegio Vitringa … in auditorio domestico defendet XXI. Febr. 1722.

We know very few about the life of István Kocsi Csergő. His printed works are the landmarks of the stations of his peregrination. In January 1721 he took his examination of theology in Zürich. In 1722 he defended his thesis presented in exegesis and universal theology in Franeker; the chairmen (praeses) of the defence were Ruardus Andala and Campegius Vitringa, Jun., whose mementos also can be read in the album (pp. 129, 125). According to this note, Kocsi Csergő was in London in September 1722 – that is before his studies in Utrecht and his longer stay in England – and already at that time he was pastor (V.D.M. = verbi divini minister, “servant of the divine Word”).

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