Matt. V. 7.
Beati misericordes, quia illi misericordiam consequentur.

Hisce Domini Salvatoris dictis voluit memoriam suam apud Generosum D[omi]num Fran[ciscum] P[áriz] Pápai Dominum suum de se inde ab incunabulis fere multis nominibus optimè semper meritum, magni Patris Deo, Eccl[esi]ae Patriae ac bonis omnibus natura filium ac proinde omnium amore ac honore dignissimum.

Franciscus Baba Vasarhelyiensis T[ransylvanus] H[ungarus] Theologiae studiosus. Corde puro, calamoque sincero.

Symb[olum]. Spes confisa Deo nunquam confusa recedit.

Londini 1720. 21. Aug.



Mt 5:7.
Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy.

With this saying of our Lord Savior I want to recommend myself into the memory of the eminent Mr. Ferenc Pápai Páriz, in many ways my generous lord almost since my childhood, worthy son of his great father before God, the church, the fatherland and every good man, who deserves the love and honour of everyone.

Ferenc Baba of Vásárhely, Transylvanian Hungarian student of theology. With pure heart and sincere pen.

Motto. A hope confined to God can never disappoint.

In London, on August 21, 1720.











p. 457. London, August 21, 1720

Bala, Ferenc
(c. 1690-1740), Transylvanian merchant, translator

Ferenc Bala (of Vásárhely, Ferenc Baba of Marosvásárhely) was born around 1690 in Marosvásárhely (Tîrgu Mureş). He studied in Nagyenyed (Aiud), and between 1718 and 1722 at the university of Frankfurt an der Oder. Here he translated into Hungarian and published the Typus theologiae practicae of Campegius Vitringa, Sen. After returning home to Kolozsvár (Cluj) he began to trade in wine of Tokaj, but he was bankrupt and went in heavy debts. He became deranged, and roamed about in all Hungary, until he died in Pápa in 1740. His work is: Lelki élet, az az, az Ur Jézus Krisztusban igaz hit által bé oltatott és ő benne élő embernek lelki állapotjának rövid leírása. Mellyet az eklesiának közönséges hasznára nem régen deák nyelven bocsátatott ki idősb Campegius Vitringa. Mostan pedig a magyar ekklesiákban az együgyüeknek hasznokra a magyar nyelvre fordított M. Vásárh. Bala Ferencz. Francofurtumban, Schwartz János által, 1722.

According to his note in the album, in 1720 Ferenc Bala learned theology in London. The Franeker professor Campegius Vitringa, whose work was translated by him, wrote in the album in September of 1719 (p. 325).

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