Taylor & Francis welcomes all interested parties to its upcoming webinars. The January session will discuss information related to Access publishing, while in February the publisher will hold an introductory presentation on Open Research.
Exploring Open Access Publishing: Strategies for Successful Outcomes
Time and date: Wednesday, January 29th 13:00-14:30 CET
Blurb: Increasingly, researchers are interested in or required to publish their work as Open Access. While the publishing process is essentially the same, Open Access publishing can offer the opportunity for greater impact and a more transparent process. This session will examine the publishing process and how to increase the likelihood of your work being published. We will cover Open Access models, licensing, how to choose a journal and avoid predatory ones, manuscript preparation, the submission process, and how to navigate peer review. Participants will walk away with a good understanding of what they can expect during the publishing process.
Speaker: Victoria Babbit
Registration link: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/2048957954540383583
Author Services link: https://authorservices.taylorandfrancis.com/events/exploring-open-access-publishing-strategies-for-successful-outcomes-2/
Introduction to Open Research
Time and date: Wednesday, February 19th 13:00-14:30 CET The webinar has been moved by the publisher to another date. The new date is: Wednesday, February 26th, 12:00 - 1:30 CET
Blurb: Research funders, institutions and publishers are increasingly talking about Open Research. As a broad term which encourages accessibility, transparency and reproducibility of research and supporting information, Open Research includes the practices of sharing data, code, preprints, methods, or working in new ways such as Registered Reports.
In this webinar, we will present the core tenets of open research and give relevant examples. There will be time for discussion and Q&A.
Speaker: Matt Cannon, Dr Rebecca Taylor-Grant
Registration link: https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/1889161531717547607
Author Services link: https://authorservices.taylorandfrancis.com/events/introduction-to-open-research-2/